söndag 6 december 2009

New Moon-låt?

Svejsan på er!! Här är en låt som många tycker påminner/passar till New Moon, man har kunnat lyssna på den länge men nu har den även fått musikvideon!! Lyssna gärna och se vad du tycker (= Lyrics finns här nedanför! Ha de bra!

I'm not quite sure how to breathe without you here
I'm not quite sure if I'm ready to say goodbye to all we were
Be with me
Stay with me
Just for now
Let the time decide
When I won't need you

My hand searches for your hand
In a dark room
I can't find you
Help me
Are you looking for me?

Can I feel anyore?
Lie to me, I'm fading
I can't drop you
Tell me, I don't need you

My hand searches for your hand
In a dark room
I can't find you
Help me
Are you looking for me?

Etch this into my brain for me
Tell me, how it's supposed to be
Where everything will go
And how I'll be without you by my side

My hand searches for your hand
In a dark room
I can't find you
Help me
Are you looking for me?

My hand searches for your hand
In a dark room
I can't find you
Help me
Are you looking for me?

Den här en nog en av mina nya favvo låtar :D Älskar texten!

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