söndag 6 december 2009

Michael Welch Intervjuas

Michael Welch (Mike Newton) har en intervju med Blast där de pratar lite om filmingen. Han pratar också om date scenen mellan Bella & Jacob som nästan inte fick vara med.

BLAST: So you said at some point they almost didn't include the movie scene in New Moon? What's that about?

MW: You know it's a tricky thing when you try and turn a book into a movie because a movie is only two hours and there's only so much you can fit in, but yeah, what they originally did was they took that moment between Jacob and Bella and put it in a different scene of the movie. Luckily Taylor and Kristen lobbied that scene for me to Chris Weitz saying it absolutely had to be in, and it's a good scene. They weren't really lobbying for me, it's just, how can you not have that scene in there? Yeah, so I was really happy to hear that, and it was great for me because I got to do Mike's best scene in the book.

Källa: www.TwilightReporter.blogg.se

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