torsdag 7 januari 2010

Robert Pattinson- ohygienisk eller inte?

Ja, som många redan vet har det varit en himla rykten om Robs hygien. Många tidningar skriver att han är ofräsch och aldrig tvättar håret, men hur är det egentligen??

Enligt Bryse Dallas Howard så är inte Rob så ohygienisk endå...

Sure, he looks foul-smelling, but would you believe Twilight star Robert Pattinson is really “incredibly hygienic”? So hygienic, in fact, that he’s a threat to himself and his teeth? It’s true, claims his Eclipse co-star Bryce Dallas Howard! When we ran into her at the recent New York premiere of her new movie, the Tennessee Williams–scripted The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond (out today), she told us about her first brush with Rob: “I actually came out to him that I was totally nervous about [meeting him],” said Howard, who will replace Rachelle Lafevre as evil vampire Victoria in next year’s Twilight 3.

“He’s such a sweet young man, and there’s such a distinctive difference between him and Edward Cullen. He does such a wonderful job embodying that character, and bringing that character to life. But when you meet him, he’s such a down-to-earth, humble person, you feel bad freaking out around him.”

“But what does he smell like?” we inquired. “Actually, he’s incredibly hygienic,” Howard insisted. “He told me this story that made me crack up. He was like, ‘Oh, I have to go to the dentist.’ And I was like, ‘Oh no, what happened? Just a check-up?’ And he was like, ‘No, I chipped a tooth.’ And I was like, ‘How?’ And he was like, ‘Flossing.’ Who does that? I don’t even floss. So he’s hygienic. Trust me.”


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