söndag 6 december 2009

Om: "Respect Me"

RESPECT ME is a campaign to make everyone RESPECT ROBERT PATTINSON. Recently after the excess of Twilight, Rob has been stalked by the paparazzi everywhere he goes. A few days ago he was literally attacked by crazy, wild fans during the first day filming on the set of "Remember Me". He didn't need bodyguards before, but now because of crazy fans he HAS to have them. So, we are really really tired and mad with those girls, the media and fansites that have been publishing things about his PRIVATE life and/or stalking him everywhere! We know that now he is under the spotlight and everyone wants to know what is he doing or where he is, but there are ways to do so properly, and we know so many girls in the world want to know him, be near him or take pictures with him, but there are ways too!, He is not an OBJECT, he is a human being that NEEDS to walk, breathe, WORK or even smoke in peace! It is so sad to watch videos of the disturbing things in NY with girls crowding to take pics with Rob anyhow! That's so RUDE girls! That's not being a REAL fan! See that Rob's expression broke our hearts and almost made us cry! Really! So, we decided to start this campaign against all that we think is not cool to Rob! He needs to be respected! You need to respect his private life!

Med andra ord: kampanjen för Respect Me handlar om att ge Robert Pattinson ett lite lugnare liv utan alla galna fans, Nu har hemsidan startat en namninsamling. För att komma till namninsamlingen klicka Här
Gör som jag och skriv på för hans skull och sprid detta vidare! Jag har skrivit på, snälla gör de du med!! :D

Källa: TwilightReporter.blogg.se

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