onsdag 11 november 2009

Kellan Lutz Konversation!

You’re currently on a break. What do you usually love to do on your downtime?

I love to read. I have a Kindle, and it’s nice to be able to download books that people refer.
Rob[ert Pattinson] reads all of the time and he refers so many great books, Jackson [Rathbone], as well, and Kristen [Stewart]. It’s nice to just download books because we have so much downtime. I have close to eight hours a day to read. I finish so many books it’s amazing. I’m also doing Rosetta Stone, learning some French.

What’s the one thing that has changed in your life since Twilight came out?
I’ve never been so busy in my life. I’ve never gotten my frequent flyer miles so high that I feel like I can travel around the world for free. I’ve been on a plane every weekend trying to come back to L.A. to see my dog. I feel like I’ve been so blessed to be working, but everything I shoot is out of L.A., so I don’t really have too much time to spend with my number one love: my puppy. (She’s not really a puppy—she’s five—but she’s close to my heart.) We have so much press stuff that we get to do—I love doing the conventions and meeting the fans. November’s going to be pretty crazy, what with being on a plane every day, landing, appearances, flying to another city that night … It’s a roller coaster.

How do you guys cope with all of this?
We all have our passions that we enjoy. Rob and Jackson will bring their guitars everywhere. As long as you have that passion where you can just disappear and be normal, feel normal, bring your iPod or favorite books, and just do the things that you would do when Twilight wasn’t around—that’s all keeping us who we are. We’re all really blessed, and we’re humble and down to earth, anyway.

So, before you go, let’s do some wordplay. I’m going to give you the name of one of your fellow actors, and I need you to give me one word to describe them, starting with Jackson Rathbone
[“Jasper Hale”].Ah, mysterious.

Nikki Reed [“Rosalie Hale”].Spicy.

Elizabeth Reaser [“Esme Cullen”].Beautiful.

Peter Facinelli [“Dr. Carlisle Cullen”].Jokester
Do you want to guess what word Peter chose for you?Meathead. Something to do with working out or playing jokes.

He chose “goofy.”
Goofy (Laughs)Ok,

Ashley Greene [“Alice Cullen”].Best friend.

Kristen Stewart [“Bella Swan”].Adventurous.

Taylor Lautner [“Jacob Black”].Brother-like.

Rob Pattinson [“Edward Cullen”].Immensely blessed and talented. If you can just hyphen those into one word.


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