lördag 14 november 2009

Intervju: Kristen Taylor och Chris

Distraught teen heroine Bella (Kristen Stewart) has become quite the daredevil ever since bloodsucking beau Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) decided he was no good for her and ran away. Seeking an adrenaline rush, she ends up sprawled on the side of the road and bleeding after crashing her motorbike.

To the rescue is childhood friend Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner), the sweet Native American lad who has bulked up into a buff Adonis ever since his werewolf urges started to kick in. When he suddenly pulls off his T-shirt to tend to Bella’s wounds, beefcake is definitely served.

”Did you know you’re sort of beautiful?” she asks while dizzily gazing upon him with fresh eyes.
It’s a fantasy that many find irresistible. ”We want to be fought over,” says relationship expert Gilda Carle. ”It makes us feel more like a prize. And a suitor wants to fight over us, so he feels he has won a prize, something not so easily gotten. In real life, triangles are horrible. But by vicariously enjoying them in books and movies, we can deal with them more appropriately.”
And more competitively, too. Ever since New Moon was published in 2006, fans have been declaring themselves members of either Team Edward or Team Jacob.

Growing charms
In New Moon, ”Edward does make a stupid mistake by leaving Bella, and that allows Jacob in,” says director Chris Weitz. ”You can understand why Bella starts to develop feelings for him. He’s the right man at a frightening time for her, and his devotion is touching. Even die-hard Edward people will understand.”
Stewart, 19, certainly enjoyed the change of pace on camera. ”Both of them make me feel completely different,” she says of her co-stars. ”Taylor is an impulsive actor, not Method at all. It’s very easy to smile with him. With Rob, we both tend to worry and over-analyze everything.”
[ Fortsätt läsa...]

(källa: TheTwilightSaga.se)

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