onsdag 11 november 2009

Chris Weitz: On the DVD there will be some deleted scenes, there will be a commentary with me and I think Kristen, Rob and Taylor at the same time, and some making of and behind the
scenes type stuff.
My big question is how many minutes of deleted scenes?

Weitz: I think it’s around twenty.
Is there really going to be that many minutes?

Weitz: Yeah, but sometimes it’s just showing a whole scene with bits that have been cut out. There is not like twenty minutes of stuff thrown out. It’s like here is the fully expanded scene.
Here’s my question….the Twilight fans are obsessed with seeing stuff they haven’t seen before. So how many minutes do you think of footage that’s not in the theater would be on the DVD/Blu-ray?

Weitz: I’d say a good ten minutes of groovy stuff they haven’t seen.
So why did you cut it?

Weitz: The running time of the film and the cadence of how I wanted the film to play.



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